This is your Campaign


This is your Campaign .

Yard Signs

Yard signs featuring key info help build campaign morale beyond the choir. Because we’re not pushed by one of the slates, we need you!

*Signs can be placed on your property, not between sidewalk and street.


Be a driving force for the change you want to see! Join our campaign as a volunteer and actively shape Boulder’s near-future and longterm, both.

Drop off signs, flyers, help at an event, walk door-to-door with Waylon:

Endorse Waylon

Join us in driving positive change—endorse Waylon today! Your endorsement fuels practical solutions, from making Boulder safe for all, again, to fire mitigation, to affordability and bike safety. Join us in creating a town that inspires others and is a daily joy to live and work and play in:


Boulder is fortunate to have very little money in politics. Help me keep it this way by reaching our matching donation goal of $11,300…and five bucks. 110 of you dear community members giving 100, or 220 giving 50, and we’re there: